Off The Wall | "We The People..."

Opening receptionFriday July 22 from 6-9pm

Exhibition dates: July 20 – August 13, 2016The ARC Gallery, 2156 North Damen, ChicagoGallery hours: Wed to Sat 12-6 pm, and Sun. 12-4 pm


As part of the important conversations swirling around this election year, ARC invited artists to join an exciting new open walls show entitled "We The People..."

With this exhibition we sought out work that critically explores and dissects the current election season and the wider impact government has on our lives. We, in this country (U.S.), are all affected by those whom we elect, regardless of racial, sexual, gender, class, citizenship status.

Getting granted permanent citizenship into a new country, like the United States of America isn't as easy as some people expect it to be. The process is hard and long and people might not even get accepted for a green card, which can be heartbreaking. There are many different forms that need to be completed, such as the n-400 that can get the process underway and is the first step to being granted naturalization. Citizenship status is something that a lot of people strive for if they have no choice or if they just want to start a new life and is something that everyone should get to achieve. The emotions that these types of processes can bring may provide inspiration for many different artists from across the country.

To grapple with issues and ultimately to vote is a responsibility and an honor; and it calls for discussion in which both visual and non-visual artists, can have much to offer.


Learn More about ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation by Listening to DePaul University Podcast Featuring Cheri Reif Naselli


Rochelle Weiner | Strata+Sphere