ARC Gallery

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Stacey Lee Gee

Stacey Lee Gee was resurrected from the dust of bones, raised by wolves and came into her power one night in a dark alley when she tripped, fell and was bitten 9 times by a den of snakes. Through fortune and fate she resides on this earth at this particular time in history. She views her work as an extension of the energy that leaks from her fingertips, a reconfiguration of objects past their appropriate era. 

She believes her art is a reordering of the past in order to prepare for the future.

She believes all art is a service to the perpetuation of the healthy psyche of society.

Art Statement

Art channels stories across time through a multi-generational game of telephone. Moments of misremembering become harbingers of future history. In that context, I use familiar objects from the past paired with scent and tactile materials to create large-scale installations designed to bypass critical thought and go instead to the memory center of the brain.

Just out of reach of the truth, these distorted arrangements conjure the edges of a new story to materialize.

