ARC Gallery

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Al-Qawi Tazal Nanavati

"Al-Qawi Tazal Nanavati"  Opening  Fri.  April 27,  6-9pm

My art is an amalgamation of printmaking, drawing and painting, and through it, I deconstruct the essence and importance of meditation, prayer and Islamic practices in my life. The works are heavily influenced by my upbringing as I grew up around people of many faiths in an environment where tolerance and pluralism were protected. In the midst of chaos, unrest and many examples of intolerance in the world today, I attempt to demonstrate through my work the peace and serenity that I obtain through Bandagi also called Zikr, which is a form of repetitive chanting that has been the basic inspiration for my work. 

Exhibition dates:     April 25 - May 19, 2018

Gallery hours:     Wed-Sat 12-6pm    Sunday 12-4pm